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No.113 : Anonymous [11/03/28(Mon)12:39] [Report] [SNAP]

This is super old but facebook was all "memorable posts" or some shit. Anyway, ice cream is pretty god damned disgusting considering that it's filled with MILK. Milk, as I'm sure everyone knows, is full of pus and bacteria. You see, boiling milk doesn't get rid of the bad things living in it, just the good ones. That's why they have to "fortify" milk, giving it vitamins (and whatever else they add), in order to replace what has been removed. The only reason they used to boil milk was for longevity, during transportation and for storage. Fortunately, we now have cooling devices available to everyone. This is why in the majority of the world a company is not forced to boil their milk before selling it. Only in North America (and possibly, now, in the UK) is it a requirement. That is all.


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