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>Trusting Nvidia after 3.5gb>Trusting Nvidia after gimping 700 series>Trusting Nvidia after housefires>Trusting Nvidia after 103C VRM on TitanX>Trusting Nvidia after lying about TDP on desktop GPUs>Trusting Nvidia after they killed 400/500 series with Drivers>Trusting Nvidia after Woodscrews>Trusting Nvidia after no async>Trusting Nvidia won't bribe Linus/OC3D/TTL/J2C to hide figures/use MSAA on AMD
I'll take my 'No drivers' card that keeps up with the equivalent Nvidia
I'll take my 'Housefire card' that has never caused a fire
I'll take my 'what are you poor' card
I'll take my 'Energy Bill through the Roof' card
Nvidicucks on Suicide Watch