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No.841 : Anonymous [2015-04-23 04:51] [Report] [SNAP]

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            ∧                            ∧  
       I've been watching this thread.      Shut up and get back to work.
         Pretty disapointing so far.

No.842 : Anonymous [2015-04-23 04:51] [Report] []

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                Ahh! I bet Kyouko-san could make this thread more interesting!

No.843 : Anonymous [2015-04-23 04:52] [Report] []

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            ′ Vハ              |: : :.:.:.レ': : :.:,′I couldn't care less about this shit thread.
              ';: ハ    ′      !: : : :.,': : : : /     Yachiyo, bring me another parfait.
                i: 小          ハ: : :/{.:.:./V
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