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No.242 : Anonymous [2018-08-02 12:11] [Report] [SNAP]
>be me
>8 years old
>Don't like math, don't like listening to teacher ramble on and on about nothing
>Don't like school in general
>Jew teachers recognize this hostile mindset
>Demand resident jew mind sorcerer probe my brain for shekel generating defects
>School: "His tests came back normal, but we think he should be in the crazy kid class so we can get more mon- I mean for his own good!"
>Retarded goy mother: "That sounds just dandy!"
>Stick me in the literal psychotic wing of the school for many fun childhood experiences
>Forcing that black kid that always made a break for it at lunch time to make a public apology for his sins
>Getting sent to the "quiet room" for laughing at the public apology (which essentially consisted of me reliving my favorite of his escape attempts)
>Schizophrenic children breaking into my classroom to escape the (((devilmen))) chasing them
>Teacher taking him outside telling us to have free time
>Sneaking out and seeing schizo boy screaming bloody murder in the hallway as five adults hold him down
>That one room where some kid tried to kill himself with a basketball hoop, which is why they stopped "basketball therapy"
>That time I was out sick and came in and made fun of Melvin as usual only to get pulled outside by the teacher
>Hot teacher: "Anon-kun, you were out sick so you didn't see..."
>First boner teacher proceeds to describe in detail their progressive social experiment
>Made class insult paper lion with word MELVIN written across it, tearing piece off with each insult
>Once lion was in a million pieces, "Dis is wut u do wen u r mean 2 melfin!"
>Then force class to compliment torn up lion, and tape him up for each compliment
>Tells me all this with teary eye'd pride for her brainwashing experiment
>Immediately fuck with Melvin and thwart her propaganda after that
>That black kid that made a break for it every day at lunch
>That time they made him give a public apology for making a break for it every day
>That time I laughed at the public apology and got sent to the quiet room for disturbing the peace
>That time I realized, "Quiet room is pretty bitchin. I can take a nap, don't have to do school shit, can 'express myself' in the psychology sandbox
>That time that one ginger teenager was like, "He's only here to play in the sandbox!"
>tfw this one ginger retard is smarter than an entire education hierarchy made up of college educated adults

Pretty much sums up my experience with public schools

No.327 : Anonymous [2023-09-19 16:29] [Report] []

never happened; hope it did



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