Cross-dressing, Trapping

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No.3 : Anonymous Stalker [08/12/14(Sun)08:53] [Report] [SNAP]

I'll throw my craigslist email out there: from Ontario. I'm sure some of the people from the last thread(s) stopped using theirs. Let's get this one to 1000!

No.5 : Layn [08/12/14(Sun)16:43] [Report] []

Aim= thenewicefire

I live near portland OR

No.6 : Chiaki [08/12/15(Mon)00:58] [Report] []

Alright, new start, new thread, let's do it.

UC Davis mtf trans
Yahoo:chia77777 a
MSN: chia777777 a

No.8 : Emi [08/12/15(Mon)19:37] [Report] []
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

No.10 : syn [08/12/17(Wed)22:38] [Report] []

just a guy from fl. i love traps!
aim: dijitallcomplex
yahoo: synthetikal_reality

No.12 : Anonymous Stalker [08/12/19(Fri)11:30] [Report] []

AIM: Kyolbot
Bi, CD/TS Enthusiast

No.30 : Anonymous Stalker [08/12/27(Sat)12:55] [Report] []

Another Coloradan! I am not alone. XD
Westminster, CO

No.39 : Anonymous Stalker [08/12/31(Wed)23:44] [Report] []

Columbia, Missouri...CD.

No.42 : Anonymous Stalker [09/01/04(Sun)15:44] [Report] []

30/m near Portland, OR
Loves traps/cd/tg

No.43 : Anonymous Stalker [09/01/05(Mon)02:30] [Report] []

22 sweden cd/trap

No.55 : jo [09/01/11(Sun)12:13] [Report] []

[aim] JosieKitten24
[orientation] surprise me
[about me] male; 24; and I cross dress (non-pass)... yay.
[location] central Illinois, but from N. Chicago

No.66 : ToolFan_1980 [09/01/14(Wed)09:39] [Report] []

28/mtf transgender(CD) live near Seattle.

No.68 : Izzy [09/01/14(Wed)12:02] [Report] []

19, bi, passable? you tell me. :]

need some other ppl on my msn list to tlk to, everyone else is always offline. :[

No.79 : Anonymous Stalker [09/01/15(Thu)20:18] [Report] []

New and aspiring trap!


No.83 : Duplex-kun [09/01/16(Fri)12:58] [Report] []

21 Toronto ON, used to CD alot, don't as often now, but lots of expirience!

No.89 : Anonymous Stalker [09/01/18(Sun)21:55] [Report] []

Female with a big bottom <3 looking to chat with more cute cd's and tg's that like guys and gals to chat with me and hubby strong possibility of being bad during chat<3

No.93 : Anonymous Stalker [09/01/20(Tue)03:33] [Report] []

male 20yr
I luv CDs and traps. I'd like to make new friends.

No.94 : Anonymous Stalker [09/01/20(Tue)04:03] [Report] []

AIM: IMaSlavetoyiffy

No.96 : Nes [09/01/20(Tue)07:10] [Report] []

19, Bi, trap, I CD normally and love chatting, got a thread on /tg/.

No.101 : Tam ##Gm0CQQVG [09/01/20(Tue)16:09] [Report] []

Oops, wasn't aware of this thread.

Lets, see, umm...

Gender disphoric male, probably unable to go through with transitioning. In Ontario.
MSN: owlearednightowl <a> hotmail * com

No.118 : nadja [09/01/21(Wed)14:13] [Report] []

19/bi/cd-tv-whatever :)

No.124 : Anonymous Stalker [09/01/24(Sat)15:28] [Report] []
NYC- manhattan
18 bi guy who loves good lookin CD and TG gals

No.141 : Anonymous Stalker [09/01/29(Thu)07:02] [Report] []

23/m/il just looking for some fun times

No.147 : Anonymous Stalker [09/01/31(Sat)06:08] [Report] []

used to dress up when i was young, but unable to now, looking 4 traps to chat with

No.155 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/04(Wed)10:45] [Report] []

im 22, a straight guy from uk, really into fem guys/crossdressers whatever you want to call it.

add me to your msn messenger

No.171 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/23(Mon)19:15] [Report] []

email/msn me <3

No.172 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/24(Tue)01:34] [Report] []

Come on people! Ge the word out! We need to get traps and their lovers together at last!

No.173 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/24(Tue)09:18] [Report] []
meet a nice CD from germany

No.174 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/24(Tue)16:05] [Report] []

21/MtF (pre-HRT)/ Australia

Only like girls, but I'm always happy to chat to some interesting boys. You might even get something out of me...

No.175 : nadja [09/02/27(Fri)18:23] [Report] []

I fucking fail, now :)

No.176 : Anonymous Stalker [09/03/01(Sun)15:17] [Report] []

19/m/uk I used to CD but havn't for quite a while, still very much submissive and bi, add me:)

No.177 : Kianna [09/03/03(Tue)01:43] [Report] []

18/m/bi/trap :D
hey guys, im kinda a new trap or whatever and im still learning, msg me if you want ^_^

aim: thekandikidickis

No.178 : Anonymous Stalker [09/03/03(Tue)17:34] [Report] []


trap enthusiast but also want to get into it myself!

No.179 : Anonymous Stalker [09/03/03(Tue)17:58] [Report] []

fl/cd enthusiast/wants to get into cd.
email me to talk :]

No.180 : Anonymous Stalker [09/03/04(Wed)01:36] [Report] []

20 Male living in SE Bama
Recent trap enthusiast looking to see if any are around me.

No.183 : rien [09/03/07(Sat)21:14] [Report] []

I love sexy traps. Always great fun!
email: requests (a)

No.184 : Jade [09/03/08(Sun)23:39] [Report] []

Aim: Mictic7

18 bi cder/trans in Brevard county, Fl

No.186 : Kitt [09/03/15(Sun)18:41] [Report] []

20 bi/cd male on Oahu, Hawaii. msg me =^_^=

No.190 : Anonymous Stalker [09/03/22(Sun)00:18] [Report] []

23, New York

AIM: StaticDreamer86

Not really sure who or what I am... but I love talking to other people who share my problems and about cross dressing and stuff...

No.193 : Anonymous Stalker [09/03/25(Wed)06:25] [Report] []


East of Toronto ON


No.196 : Anonymous Stalker [09/03/30(Mon)02:15] [Report] []

into guys, traps, chats, and cool stuff :3

No.201 : Anonymous Stalker [09/04/05(Sun)06:44] [Report] []

Gdynia, Poland



No.204 : Anonymous Stalker [09/04/09(Thu)15:26] [Report] []

22/m Hamilton, Ontario
Muchly into traps, non-passable one myself. :p

No.210 : Anonymous Stalker [09/04/13(Mon)16:18] [Report] []

aim: cdchristie

No.220 : Erin [09/04/17(Fri)01:29] [Report] []

24 TG - just north of Toronto


No.223 : Anonymous Stalker [09/04/20(Mon)09:36] [Report] []

24/m/north of toronto
not a trap but looking for one.. i'm muscular, hung.. ya you get it.

No.224 : Falcon [09/04/20(Mon)20:10] [Report] []

Name: Tommy
AIM: iBlameTheNazis
Location: New Jersey

I used to CD from time to time, don't do it much now, but still interested in it, and others who are as well.

No.225 : Anonymous Stalker [09/04/20(Mon)20:27] [Report] []

Need more traps.

Live just south of Boston, MA

Huskier construction worker looking for passable to almost passable CD/TV.

No.230 : Animetor [09/04/21(Tue)17:27] [Report] []

18 male, Bisexual from Centennial, CO USA!

I'm not a trap, but I've got a feminine body type that is ruined by my deep voice and kind of manly face... I don't know.

I love to chat!

No.233 : Anonymous Stalker [09/04/21(Tue)23:49] [Report] []

ann arbor, MI
gmail =

cd here. looking for my first time with a guy.

No.248 : Anonymous Stalker [09/04/24(Fri)14:56] [Report] []

21, living in orange county, california, would love to find some traps around me to hang out with, admire, compliment haha


i'm always on, always happy to talk to anyone :]

No.254 : Anonymous Stalker [09/04/25(Sat)01:16] [Report] []

26 white bi mwm on oahu hawaii. I sometimes CD, but not recently.
YIM: makipi_s57

No.300 : Faris [09/05/06(Wed)05:47] [Report] []

AIM: Issue10nitip

In the bay area, Fremont, Ca. used to CD younger when I was around 15, but i'm now 25 and too masculine now. Still a fan of traps and CD though.

No.301 : Anonymous Stalker [09/05/06(Wed)15:00] [Report] []
yahoo joefree3

28/m dom, enjoy playing with cds/traps.

No.303 : Anonymous Stalker [09/05/08(Fri)11:02] [Report] []
You may already know me.

North Uk trap

No.307 : Anonymous Stalker [09/05/18(Mon)00:01] [Report] []

The fuck? Not a single trap in MA? What is this shit? 21/m/MA

I've been looking for a good looking trap or a semi decent chick. Too bad there's no such thing as a semi decent chick and all the traps I've seen havn't been close to passable.
e-mail, msn, and aim.

No.308 : Anonymous Stalker [09/05/18(Mon)16:56] [Report] []

i am just a rapist, one that specialises in raping traps

my icq is 29649147

maybe i rape ure ass sumtime

No.309 : Anonymous Stalker [09/05/21(Thu)00:24] [Report] []

20 yo bi guy living in SW Ohio.

Into cute CDs/traps/TSGs and maybe into easing my way into dressing and cute girls of course. Id really like a girl to help me dress :3.


Just send a short e-mail saying hi and ill give you aim or msn addy.

No.312 : ~Ashe~ Von Cluttertrap [09/05/22(Fri)02:31] [Report] []

Chico, CA MtF slash minaximum artist!

MSN: (wtf too manly, I know)

No.314 : meow [09/05/22(Fri)08:48] [Report] []

20, occasional CD but most interested in other traps. I'm in north England.


No.315 : shi [09/05/22(Fri)09:26] [Report] []


MSN: katamarichan@live[dot]de

No.370 : ny_kun [09/05/31(Sun)15:05] [Report] []

20 y/o Bi guy
Yuba City, CA

Interested in cute traps =3


No.389 : Anonymous Stalker [09/06/05(Fri)05:46] [Report] []

18/bi/Kent, United Kingdom

Into guys/traps mainly, but will take a girl if she's cute enough.
Happy to chat about anything with anyone so feel free to add me.
AIM: RandomNReturns

No.391 : Anonymous Stalker [09/06/05(Fri)14:20] [Report] []


too masculine to trap... kinda straight but love traps and tg ^^

No.398 : Anonymous Stalker [09/06/08(Mon)04:51] [Report] []


Southeast uk guy, loves girls. Loves TGs. Likes certain men. Loves pretty clothes, but cannot wear any (perfect body image BS).

I like my manberries too much, definitely not trans, but i do love TG - in an inescapable, oh god DO WANT kind of way.

Anybody, chat:

distinctlytasteless (at) gmail . com.

That address is email, but works for MSN too!

No.410 : Anonymous Stalker [09/06/12(Fri)21:01] [Report] []

What the hell, bi trap Perth WA.

No.417 : Anonymous Stalker [09/06/15(Mon)10:03] [Report] []

20 From the UK looking for some dirty trap funtime basically, no guys, just sexy traps.
from the Oxfordshire area, am willing to travel a bit

AIM : opekoner

No.425 : Anonymous Stalker [09/06/21(Sun)21:29] [Report] []

Quebec, Canada 21/m/ bi I guess. Love traps/TG's/etc psychomaster87 at hotmail dot com

No.430 : Audree [09/06/23(Tue)23:07] [Report] []

Ah, why the hell not..

19, SoCal, new to TG world, Bi, Wants more friends..

[AIM] SillyAudree

No.432 : Texas Stalker [09/06/24(Wed)15:20] [Report] []

20 male Texas

Yahoo: crossofdeath67
AIM: fataldeviation90

Been looking for a trans girlfriend since I was 15 lol.

No.433 : Anonymous Stalker [09/06/24(Wed)21:43] [Report] []

Getting back into CDing
25, Chicago, IL
looking for company, shopping partner, etc

No.439 : Anonymous Stalker [09/06/29(Mon)09:00] [Report] []

22 passing mtf, I live at the border between NY and PA. I heart talking to boys or other transgirls.

aim is imogenprincess

No.440 : jo [09/06/29(Mon)18:32] [Report] []

new e-mail...

[aim] JosieKitten24
[orientation] surprise me
[about me] male; 24; and I cross dress (non-pass)... yay.
[location] central Illinois, but from N. Chicago

No.442 : Anonymous Writer [09/07/02(Thu)16:16] [Report] []

21/bi/ts/trap Oregon

skype: tsukiakiayano

No.445 : Fabi [09/07/04(Sat)05:13] [Report] []

Florida, bi, 21.

AIM: unfairyboy

No.446 : Anonymous Writer [09/07/04(Sat)08:33] [Report] []

trap living in ireland, 19

want bf :(

No.448 : Anonymous Writer [09/07/06(Mon)14:12] [Report] []

Can someone sticky this, because I'm soooo going to post my email in here once i get to cd and stuff.

No.449 : Big Fat Tony [09/07/07(Tue)18:22] [Report] []

Hi! You don't have to be cute or anything to talk to me, I just love traps and such-like and I'm a pretty friendly fella. Also, I got a thread on /ug/.

18/m/Wyoming, bisexual.

No.450 : Big Fat Tony [09/07/07(Tue)18:29] [Report] []

Oh, stupid me. my aim is CAtransplant1009

No.451 : Anonymous Writer [09/07/07(Tue)22:43] [Report] []

23 former cd/trap
right outside Chicago IL

Y! = oatkuprettyboy

Up for chat or whatever.

No.453 : Anonymous Writer [09/07/08(Wed)01:09] [Report] []

22 cd, north of Chicago, near the IL/WI border
Looking for other cds or people just interested in cds to talk with or meet


No.454 : Anonymous Writer [09/07/09(Thu)07:10] [Report] []

39, male, San Francisco/Berkeley

Trapped when I was 14-16 but almost got caught (It was not acceptable back then). Too masculine now but have a very soft spot for TV/TG/CD and would love to chat.

AIM: Pharmboi7747

No.456 : Anonymous Writer [09/07/10(Fri)16:46] [Report] []

Tampa, Fl

No.458 : Wannabe [09/07/10(Fri)22:11] [Report] []


No.459 : Anonymous Writer [09/07/11(Sat)07:03] [Report] []

Ireland! im in ireland!
You have an email address?

No.460 : Alter [09/07/11(Sat)10:23] [Report] []

My own is for any irish people. 21/m/bi

No.463 : Anonymous Writer [09/07/12(Sun)00:25] [Report] []

23/m/TX (713-281)

I'm bi, and love those who cd/are trans but this is Texas, so you know how that goes.

No.469 : Anonymous Writer [09/07/15(Wed)17:36] [Report] []

20 bi Guy in Hamilton ON.

Not a trap but I do appreciate them :)

shoreline89 AT g mail DOT com

No.477 : Anonymous Writer [09/07/25(Sat)16:37] [Report] []

guy in central Fl, looking for a trap :]

No.478 : Yuu [09/07/26(Sun)04:06] [Report] []

Soo going to regret this...

24/TS/Somewhere in the US
My Gmail account that I'd give here is . I'm TS and I'm just trying to find other independent TS girls out there to talk with ^_^

No.479 : Anonymous Writer [09/07/26(Sun)13:52] [Report] []

I'm 19, male, pretty cute, trap occasionally with fwb (friend with benefit) girl i know, and would love to chat with other traps/CD around my area, which is just north of Boston.

email = (i use it for yahoo messenger too)
msn =

No.481 : Dr Ho [09/07/29(Wed)10:28] [Report] []


not a trap but love them and want to try CD, amongst other things... ;P

No.482 : Anonymous Writer [09/07/29(Wed)17:53] [Report] []


No.505 : Anonymous Writer [09/08/15(Sat)01:36] [Report] []

Brisbane ossutralia...

No.507 : Anonymous Writer [09/08/15(Sat)11:13] [Report] []

18/M/???/Ontario, Canada

Transvestite, my body isn't very manly but not really that feminine either. My sexuality is complicated... Email me if you wanna know more.

No.510 : Syao-chan [09/08/16(Sun)06:54] [Report] []

Not a transvestite.

Dont really like transvestites.

I like traps. :> no makeup / bewb jobs.

Just i like cute boys that like to CD >__<

:> male/85% gay/ Englandz.

I look like dees:

No.511 : Anonymous Writer [09/08/16(Sun)13:28] [Report] []


I;m in the saame boat 16/m/MA

Looking for traps. Preferably ones that have a feminine voice and are atleast slightly passable (oh and skinny).

No.515 : Anonymous Writer [09/08/17(Mon)04:47] [Report] []


Schlam it's never the right country...

No.517 : Anonymous Writer [09/08/17(Mon)14:43] [Report] []

Aww I know I always get people from america or in canada but they still live far.

No.529 : marko [09/08/20(Thu)00:24] [Report] []

anyone here from Mexico?
alguien de Mexico por aki????

21y.o man looking cute traps/tv/ts/tg

Y!: soviet_mk

No.534 : Nicki #OL6r3QZ.QU [09/08/20(Thu)17:19] [Report] []


Genderqueer pansexual. Going to get some hair removal done as money allows. Still exploring my feelings about my own gender and how I wish to present myself before going for any hormones. Definitely want the facial hair gone though

No.546 : Anonymous Writer [09/08/21(Fri)16:01] [Report] []

here goes nothing...

22 bi male CD from Chicago. I'm looking for anything from a cd/trap friend, to a cute CD or Trap to have my first sex exp with a guy or trap. I have a gf and so there may be a possibility for a threesome ;)


No.561 : Anonymous Writer [09/08/27(Thu)14:25] [Report] []

21/m/UK south

Straight 6ft 11st guy here I like trap/trans and in relationships with girls I take the lead.

add me if you want to chat

No.593 : tac [09/09/09(Wed)21:47] [Report] []


NY, 607 area

into traps cds tvs and ts girls, and when im wicked drunk and horny, cute guys. also i plan on starting to trap soon, just trying to figure out where i will buy everything from.

get at me if ur in my area or just want to give me some advice on where and how to buy makeup/cloths.(trying to keep it a on the down low)

No.600 : Anonymous Writer [09/09/13(Sun)09:55] [Report] []


I tried to contact you but to no avail, ann arbor girl :(

No.604 : Anonymous Writer [09/09/13(Sun)14:08] [Report] []

aim: zoothorns

Feel free to add me ! I'm 17, and mtF transgender, pre-transition or anything. I live in South Ontario, (about an hour from Toronto) :)

No.643 : Anonymous Writer [09/09/24(Thu)00:08] [Report] []


slim asian boy here looking for cute traps in toronto.

No.653 : Snow #Yo.CICr1RE [09/09/27(Sun)19:37] [Report] []

>>652 Oh, also: nominally pansexual, but sort of becoming a lesbian atm. Just thought I'd mention it.~

No.656 : Jentrap #CkXVw0MbRs [09/09/27(Sun)20:10] [Report] []
>(i.e. HRT for at least a trial period)

There's no such thing as a "trial period" with hormones, as changes/risks very quickly become permanent.

(I don't want to post personal info because of trolls/etc. Maybe later.)

No.657 : Anonymous Writer [09/09/27(Sun)22:39] [Report] []

AIM: cybaiotron

Lee's Summit, MO... occasional CD, just want to talk to whoever, so ronery, etc.

No.660 : Anonymous Writer [09/09/28(Mon)14:21] [Report] []

19 SoCal/Massachusetts, moving in a month or so, non pass cd (I think, can't do make-up and crap worth a damn...)

No.661 : Anonymous Writer [09/09/28(Mon)20:16] [Report] []

19/m eastern pa
aim: leftcoastpunk199

looking to start CD. i have been in love with traps and CD for a couple of years now and would love to finally meet one.

No.668 : Anonymous Writer [09/09/30(Wed)10:13] [Report] []

why not i suppose.

25/new jersey
liljerseygrrrl @

been dressing for a while but still not the best at it. gotta be some people around.

No.669 : Anonymous Writer [09/09/30(Wed)10:21] [Report] []

19/m/Rochester, NY or Cleveland, OH.

Manly man who loves delicious traps. I've been told that I'm a nice guy.

No.670 : Cally =3 [09/09/30(Wed)19:59] [Report] []

I'm a normal male, but crossdress in private. =3 So i could dress up for you.

I'm only looking for passing cd/ts/tv or a girl.


No.671 : Cally =3 [09/09/30(Wed)19:59] [Report] []


Sry. Forgot email.

No.673 : Foxtrap [09/10/01(Thu)16:59] [Report] []

And I'm blushing madly because of it.

19 year old trap from San Francisco.

Some of you may know me as Foxtrap.


No.678 : Anonymous Writer [09/10/05(Mon)00:06] [Report] []

Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Bi male, 6'2", 230#, br/gr, goatee. Used to try on girl clothes when I was 13, now I just really appreciate TG/CD. No pressure, a pure chat relationship is fine if that's how it evolves. somercet at gmail dot com

No.680 : Anonymous Writer [09/10/05(Mon)12:25] [Report] []

21/m/St. Louis, MO

I'm bi for traps, though I haven't had the pleasure of having any serious interaction with one in real life. Very open minded about pretty much anything.

No.681 : Astra [09/10/06(Tue)12:13] [Report] []

27/m/bi/norcal. Into some guys, maybe, but definitely traps and TG and the like. Open to chat; I'm pretty mellow.

No.685 : Anonymous Writer [09/10/07(Wed)10:10] [Report] []

22/m/uk interested in starting to crossdress (I seem to particularly want to develop a huge collection of tights and leggings!), as well as exploring a possible bisexual side. Do get in touch, I'd love to meet people just to chat, or even meet a mentor-like figure! I'm very open minded (but a bit shy) so don't hesitate to get in touch.

No.713 : Anonymous Writer [09/10/15(Thu)21:28] [Report] []

23 m Texas, coastal bend area.

I can't get enough traps.

No.716 : kristalxii [09/10/16(Fri)15:35] [Report] []

20/m/UK interested in gettin into CD, so email me if you want to chat feel you could mentor or just want to have fun =]

No.722 : Anonymous Writer [09/10/19(Mon)14:17] [Report] []

18/m Leeds Uk

Would love to hear from all you beautifull ts/cd

No.764 : Anonymous Writer [09/10/28(Wed)20:37] [Report] []

23/m/Eureka, CA
Looking for a cd/trap

No.766 : Anonymous Writer [09/10/28(Wed)21:41] [Report] []

19/m/northern ireland

Trap/tg/CD (only in private, rare due to living at home)
Interested in anyone really.

No.785 : kristina [09/10/31(Sat)02:35] [Report] []

29, New hampshire, very early stages mtf trans not even on hormones yet

aim: kristinachan42
gmail: kristychan42 at gmail dot com

No.786 : Con [09/10/31(Sat)14:40] [Report] []

22 and currently a university second year in Montréal. I'm typically in the Ottawa area during the summer.

Started crossdressing at 13. Started epilating my body just earlier this month. Oh god it hurts but they tell me it gets better!

No.801 : Anonymous Writer [09/11/04(Wed)00:58] [Report] []

20 m
College Station, TX

No.804 : Jentrap #CkXVw0MbRs [09/11/04(Wed)18:44] [Report] []


Pre-transition. Hoping to make a public female presence before 2009 is out. Planning to make a beeline in my transition this May if school/work keep going well.

No.807 : Anonymous Writer [09/11/08(Sun)01:42] [Report] []

Any Las Vegas CD's/Traps/TS/Etc out there?

Age: 20.
Sexuality: Bi-Curious, I guess.
Location: Vegas.
Enjoy: CD'ing sometimes (I'm not passable, I have arm and leg hair, but I shave just about everything else.) and I love fem's. I would REALLY want to get with an at least semi-passable, mostly shaved (Or fully) CD/TS/etc.

No.823 : nee92 [09/11/10(Tue)17:36] [Report] []

Im 18...... trap/cd ... riverside, ca

No.824 : Tekoki ##IJjrfjAc [09/11/11(Wed)09:30] [Report] []

Not a cd or trap, but offering a free bj to any traps in Socal that would like one. Email me

No.828 : Anonymous Writer [09/11/12(Thu)15:13] [Report] []



I'm a normal big guy that loves traps. Love to talk to some; especially the naughtier ones.

No.838 : Anonymous Writer [09/11/15(Sun)03:46] [Report] []

18/cd-trap/Amsterdam :)

No.848 : Anonymous [09/11/17(Tue)08:21] [Report] []

gl 19 yr been into traps forever, anyone from nj? (I'm in monmouth county)

No.856 : Anonymous [09/11/19(Thu)22:35] [Report] []

San Diego male looking for someone nice

No.857 : Anonymous [09/11/20(Fri)06:25] [Report] []
22/m/New England
(several states in the north east)

I'm straight so don't expect me to try to bang any of you. My bother transgendered completely so I have an idea if what some of you are going through. If you do drop by an email - I'll be good for the conversation at least.

No.858 : Anonymous [09/11/20(Fri)06:57] [Report] []

Forgot to mention. - I'm not interested in meeting up either. Just online chatting.

No.859 : Anonymous [09/11/20(Fri)14:37] [Report] []

18m/canada/not sure what I am don't really find men attractive but traps turn me on and I wouldn't mind experimenting with one


No.861 : moto [09/11/21(Sat)02:55] [Report] []

28 d cali. would love to chat and trade pics

email motorhead <--no space

No.862 : Anonymous [09/11/21(Sat)13:57] [Report] []


Was straight, until I found traps.

No.865 : Anonymous [09/11/22(Sun)18:21] [Report] []


Still straight.

No.876 : Anonymous [09/11/24(Tue)16:52] [Report] []

>>865 ^_^

No.886 : syn [09/11/27(Fri)19:05] [Report] []

20s bi guy in fl. looking for other traps in my area or people to chat with :D

No.888 : pongbaby [09/11/28(Sat)06:21] [Report] [], 23 male from NJ/philly area

enjoy chatting with anyone, but especially interested in traps, cds, and all the pretty people i see on here

No.893 : sissysue [09/12/01(Tue)07:09] [Report] []

>>514 i cross dress and would like to talk with you

No.894 : Anonymous [09/12/01(Tue)22:34] [Report] []

aim: nenetrap

looking for men or other mtfs for mkeouts ^_^

No.895 : Brian [09/12/02(Wed)11:56] [Report] []


I've always been interested in traps and transsexuals, would like to just talk and understand more about them and possible more about cd'ing.
and i don't have a yahoo, msn, or skype, althought i don't mind getting one if anyone wants to talk.

No.897 : Anonymous [09/12/03(Thu)15:06] [Report] []

19 fl cd always looking to chat

No.898 : iwearablueshirt [09/12/03(Thu)18:00] [Report] []

Chubby asian 22 y/o male from Chicago, il.

Privately a big fan of crossdressers, especially non-passable ones lol. Always up for a chat!

No.931 : Ladkalm [09/12/26(Sat)11:45] [Report] []



Normal guy interested in traps to just chat and maybe more from there. If you wanna chat just add me!

Y! - ladkalm

No.939 : Anonymous [10/01/01(Fri)18:02] [Report] []

20yrold Northern Irish pre-op MtF here... I want a bf who'll see me as a girlfriend and help me through my real life test as female (which I'm starting soon, hopefully)... Probably asking the impossible out of this country but it's worth a shot, lol. Anyone in Belfast, Armagh, anywhere near there is fine.


No.942 : Anonymous [10/01/03(Sun)14:03] [Report] []

Interested in chatting, maybe more.

No.946 : Anonymous [10/01/04(Mon)12:53] [Report] []

Went through this entire thing and didn't see anyone from NC.

Feels bad, man :(

No.950 : Anonymous [10/01/05(Tue)14:37] [Report] []

19 year old wanting to CD/trap in sweden
I'm looking for someone who can help me get started, and maybe having a discrete relationship.
my email is

No.952 : Anonymous [10/01/05(Tue)21:44] [Report] []

p.s. I'm not looking for traps specifically, any gender is good

No.960 : Anonymous [10/01/12(Tue)05:39] [Report] []

23/m/FL Normal guy, really into traps


No.961 : Anon [10/01/12(Tue)10:13] [Report] []

26 Bi Male. Kansas City area. Looking to meet-up and hang out. Talk. Friends. Moar? :3 have a cam and yahoo/msn/aim. traps and such are always welcome. :D

No.962 : shwa [10/01/12(Tue)21:13] [Report] []

27 m Ontario.

No.963 : Anonymous [10/01/12(Tue)21:21] [Report] []

22/m/bi-ish from Quebec here, always looking to chat with traps/cd's.

No.965 : shwa [10/01/15(Fri)21:45] [Report] []

I guess i didnt say much about anything. Im in Ontario im 27. Photographer. planning on touring Canada and USA shooting people everywhere i can. So please feel free to message me on my Gmail Chat, Messages, and or whatever im open to all!

No.966 : Anonymous [10/01/16(Sat)07:01] [Report] []

Hmmm... threads been dead for a while, but what the hay, it's stickied anyway, right?
24/gender fluid male/Bi/Seattle, WA area
I can also receive email at the above address. Down for chat, friends, whatever. I'm a semi passable trap (pass until you take that second look), and like talking about w/e with other traps and trap friendlies :)

No.968 : Anonymous [10/01/16(Sat)22:47] [Report] []
Anyone in Northern Irelaaaannnd? D: I'm a pre-op MtF 20yrold who needs friends/support/maybe a date. Total nerd too, so videogame/manga fans very welcome.

No.969 : Jess [10/01/17(Sun)18:07] [Report] []

Looking for masculine tops that want to have fun with me if you live in Oahu or are planning on visiting

No.970 : skuttered [10/01/19(Tue)17:42] [Report] []

Loves traps/cd/tg
would love to talk and get to know you
yahoo im = skuttered
yahoo email=

No.971 : Joel [10/01/20(Wed)10:49] [Report] []

VGL and hung masculine bisexual. 28yo.
Portland, OR

Really into traps, cd, tv, tg

No.972 : Anonymous [10/01/20(Wed)21:05] [Report] []

Non-tg male in CO, bored outta my mind and a lil' drunk. Looking to talk to TGs/CDs cuz it interests me, if only from the psychological aspect (as if that's the only reason).

No.973 : Amazing Blondel [10/01/20(Wed)23:24] [Report] []

Age: 24
Sexuality: Bisexual (moreso for guys than females)
Location: northwest Arkansas (close to Fayetteville)
Enjoy: Been CD'ing since I was 11or12 and I am very passable just in standard getup & even moreso with make-up/wig/etc. I shave just everyday and I love CDs/traps/Tgirls/shemales/etc....also into really twinky guys as well if they like panties & appreciate CDs. I've met 4 CDs in person and fooled around with two, but only one was around my age and i'd love to be able to experience that again. Sadly, most in my area are older/creepy so I tend to just solo alot. Would very much like to hear from any genderbending/CDing/twink/whatever if any ever come out this way..

FantasiaLindum aT gmail DOT com

No.980 : Anonymous [10/01/26(Tue)00:29] [Report] []

I just want someone to talk to...


19 mtf

No.982 : Anonymous [10/01/28(Thu)00:06] [Report] []

Vancouver, BC, Canada

25, straight, currently dating a trap who is transitioning. Wouldn't mind to chatting or getting some advice from people here on how to treat her

No.984 : Shadowtrap #sOSd4BQoMA [10/01/31(Sun)04:36] [Report] []

32 (what?) /transMtF/ The Pitt PA
I'm no longer single but uhhh 1000 get?

No.1006 : Anonymous [10/03/02(Tue)12:07] [Report] []

Bah, I never really got to have a trap as a friend. Especially one that is sub because I have a deep fetish of being "master" to a passable trap. I live in San Antonio, TX. If you want to just talk, add me anyway, even if you dont live near YIM is bengala123

No.1007 : Anonymous [10/03/02(Tue)12:28] [Report] []

(im the same author to the previous post, just want to put a little bit of me in) Like i said, I want to have a passible, young, and smooth trap as my "pet" I respect people, just get into the master role in private. Im an anime, and gameing nerd that takes care of himself. I just really, really want to be dominant to a younger(pref 18 and older) and well dressed trap. Its been something I wanted to do for a very long time. My YIM is on the post above this one and i really do hope to at least find a trap down here in texas.

No.1013 : Anonymous [10/03/12(Fri)00:56] [Report] []

21/M/NC for trap. Just chatting or hanging out would be fine

No.1016 : Anonymous [10/03/14(Sun)05:57] [Report] []

20/m/ western PA
looking to find a passable ts/tv/trap/ect just to chat, maybe more than that. also would like to talk with anyone (prefer my area) about the transitioning and such. very interested, and thinking about doing it.
also, will do ANYTHING a passable would like me to do if your willing to come by my area near pittsburgh. :] you girls drive me wild.

No.1017 : Anonymous [10/03/14(Sun)05:57] [Report] []

sorry, meant

No.1022 : Lucy [10/03/22(Mon)07:26] [Report] []

23/m/UK at ymail dot com

I'm a newbie trap that'd love to meet other, preferibly more experienced/dominant people of any gender (and in between) to help me along the way. The possibility of being naughty is always there, of course.

No.1025 : exskiracer [10/03/22(Mon)16:44] [Report] []

27/m in cali. I love cute traps and would love to meet some from here.
exskiracer @ yahoo. com email me or add me to chat

No.1028 : Anonymous [10/04/02(Fri)20:27] [Report] []

27/m(-ish; feminine cd not passable 98% of the time; <3s traps)/western ma (don't use the e-mail at all; just yim me k?)

No.1032 : Anonymous [10/04/08(Thu)00:51] [Report] []

Anyone from Belfast or close to there?
20, trap/pre-op mtf/whatever (not on hormones yet), looking for someone to date and just walk around together in the city and have fun :3 oh, and help me choose and buy clothes maybe too. I'm shy and a bit geeky.

No.1055 : jo [10/05/03(Mon)23:07] [Report] []

[aim] JosieKitten24
[orientation] surprise me
[about me] male; 25; and I cross dress (non-pass)... yay.
[location] central Illinois, but from N. Chicago

Looking for cross-dressing pen pals, talky-talky, and such and such.

No.1056 : jake [10/05/04(Tue)01:04] [Report] []

20 yr old non passable crossdresser in the east gta in southern ontario looking for really anyone preferably male and even and older male 40+ to fool around with i am a sub and i love being told what to do and forced. i am NOT into domination or bdsm but i am a really horny slut willing to do anything my xtube id is tehawesome msg me on there

No.1058 : Anonymous [10/05/13(Thu)14:56] [Report] []

20 yr old bi male in middle tennessee.
I cd on occassion, and I'm looking for someone who does the same :p I don't think I'm passable, but I've been told I make a cute trap

No.1061 : Anonymous [10/05/21(Fri)15:48] [Report] []

18/m/Acton, MA

Looking for cute CD/traps to trade pix/go on cam for me/fool around with; skinny with small tits not required, but a definite plus :)

No.1062 : Princessfoosi #1E0MZU2HrM [10/05/22(Sat)20:12] [Report] []

18/MtF(Pre-HRT)/Jacksonville Florida
I'm only into guys. Guys and Video games...
Add me on msn. :] -not sure what else to put-

No.1064 : velomanic [10/05/26(Wed)17:47] [Report] []

Toronto, ON, Canada

23 y/o bi guy, wht, 170lbs, 6ft, fit (avid cyclist) Love traps, trannies, and cd. Have dressed once or twice before too. I'm open to meeting some ppl so lets see what happens. Shoot me an email

No.1071 : The Italian [10/06/07(Mon)12:19] [Report] []

m/20/College Station, TX

No.1072 : Anonymous [10/06/08(Tue)16:01] [Report] []



lookin for traps and/or for cross dressers if they look femenine to chat/video with.

Personally, I'm a manly man. 6 feet tall, hairy chest (not my back, don't worry). I'm looking for the exact opposite of myself. So if you have a girly side, and you're effiminate, and you like tall manly men, then add me. I don't crossdress or anything, I'm just really into traps, cc, etc.

Don't wanna sound like an asshole, but I'm expecting at least something at the end from the whole conversation. Not that I don't like a good conversation, mind you, it's just that I can have those with anyone, whereas I wanna get off for a cute trap. I would be glad to masturbate for one of you, even if you keep your clothes on :)

No.1073 : Anonymous [10/06/08(Tue)19:56] [Report] []

19/m/Orlando, FL

Hey there, I am a bi guy interested in almost passable to passable cross dressers and traps to chat, hang out, and fool around with.

As far as my looks go, I am masculine. 6 feet tall and I don't look anything like a girl.

AIM: mborg009

No.1080 : Xoma ##JrOjPcXp [10/06/15(Tue)21:30] [Report] []

Aim: Samuraikallyn
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Orientation: Bi
Location: NW Ohio
Looking for: Nerdy/Goth Passable cross-dresser/trap

No.1081 : Steve [10/06/18(Fri)16:02] [Report] []

Yahoo - SecretCDinVegas
Just started getting into CD.
From Las Vegas

No.1082 : Anonymous [10/06/19(Sat)09:30] [Report] []
29 male Atlanta
love cutie traps/cds
Anyone want to be my cute gf?

No.1087 : paul [10/06/22(Tue)23:59] [Report] []

moving to baltimore are for college in august and just wanted to see if they had any traps. i don't think i'm gay but i find convincing traps very hot. email at that has nothing to do with sexuallity just the way i normally am. though it definitely applies here.

No.1090 : kristina [10/06/29(Tue)14:15] [Report] []

posting to update info, both my aim and email has changed to kristinachan80

also, I am not looking to hook up with anyone, just some one to talk to

No.1092 : purincessu [10/07/04(Sun)01:28] [Report] []

NY, 607 trap here. Your email account is dead ;_;

No.1100 : ml4p #DCQJacsydQ [10/07/23(Fri)03:34] [Report] [] email or msn
40 Bi male in Australia wants to talk to aussie traps

No.1102 : R [10/08/03(Tue)10:53] [Report] []

18/M In Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

More of a dom, yet cute by those I know. Looking for a trap to share some time with.

No.1103 : Anonymous [10/08/04(Wed)00:39] [Report] []

erm, anyone from brazil?
Bi curious guy, 18y


No.1104 : Dan [10/08/04(Wed)01:46] [Report] []

23 Bi Curious 508, MA

I'll check this frequently. Looking for a trap to mess around with.

No.1106 : Vampyric [10/08/05(Thu)00:14] [Report] []


mtf trans

aim - the70sarestellar
yahoo - tron3pointoh

i live near kansas city, kansas..

No.1108 : Anonymous [10/08/05(Thu)11:00] [Report] []

male into passable traps

i live in durant oklahoma and my email is

No.1109 : Anonymous [10/08/08(Sun)03:27] [Report] []

24/m .. enthusiast ;)
Killeen, TX

yahoo - nawtasaint1
aim - xdejavudux

No.1132 : Anonymous [10/08/17(Tue)04:35] [Report] []

Looking for a cute trap in the UK for me and my partner (male & female) for first time fun.

email me at:

No.1133 : Pira [10/08/19(Thu)15:11] [Report] []

Crossdresser from Northern Ontario

No.1138 : Anonymous [10/09/01(Wed)13:43] [Report] []

bi 21/m/New York around the Albany area looking for a trap to hang out with :D

No.1139 : Kamiboy [10/09/03(Fri)20:12] [Report] []

Hi everybody :p

I'm Kamiboy from the cross-dressing board on tranchan...I'm looking for fun in Montreal!

I am looking for hookups with girls either for some fooling around or just for dressing up and going out! Also looking for guys 18-30, good looking, not hairy...either tops/dom or CD/TV/TS/Trap etc for dressing up and foolin'...

Anyways, I'm really open, so don't hesitate to shoot me off an email with what you're interested in and how you look:


No.1140 : noko [10/09/05(Sun)13:33] [Report] []

london, ontario.

any1 near my area?

No.1141 : Anonymous [10/09/06(Mon)00:59] [Report] []

26yo male here, looking for traps/cd/tv/ts in denver/aurora colorado area

No.1144 : Anonymous [10/09/19(Sun)01:52] [Report] []

Just now getting into all this here. Wouldn't mind a few people to talk to, preferably cute femboys.

No.1147 : Anonymous [10/09/28(Tue)12:36] [Report] []

18 Bi Male Looking For Femboy (Or Slave ;D) in FL

No.1148 : Anonymous [10/09/30(Thu)18:57] [Report] []

Came here hoping to find some traps/CD in NC.


well, if any come along and find this here's my fake email I use for this kinda thing:

No.1149 : Tyler [10/10/03(Sun)10:12] [Report] []

24/m in California/562 area. New to this kind of thing, kind of shy. I like women normally, but am curious for traps!

AIM: poolofpasta

No.1155 : fuck [10/10/25(Mon)15:35] [Report] []


No.1157 : Anonymous [10/11/01(Mon)22:24] [Report] []

26/m/Allston, MA (just outside of Boston), looking for a trap to love.

No.1158 : Anonymous [10/11/02(Tue)19:16] [Report] []

There any Irish traps alive?

No.1159 : Anonymous [10/11/02(Tue)19:36] [Report] []



No.1160 : Anonymous [10/11/03(Wed)15:59] [Report] []

Gmail = ... in MTL :P

No.1164 : Anonymous [10/11/10(Wed)16:27] [Report] []

Any traps near Dublin Ireland?

No.1167 : Anonymous [10/11/15(Mon)15:22] [Report] []

20,Red Deer Alberta Canada. curious about feminization play

No.1171 : Anonymous [10/12/01(Wed)16:22] [Report] []

Hey im a young cd in Miami FL. Looking for other cd's or a dominant male to submit to. Email/ msm =

No.1173 : Anonymous [10/12/04(Sat)13:17] [Report] []

same poster as the one above me, my email is just

No.1174 : horny812 [10/12/04(Sat)14:46] [Report] []

here on Maui looking for love with someone like u saw u some nice would like to meet up and try alot of new things for u and me

No.1175 : Anonymous [10/12/04(Sat)15:07] [Report] []

i can trap pretty well, and i like traps and guys and just girls ;D
as far as guys, i like dominance. want to be a trap for a dominant guy.

No.1179 : Anonymous [10/12/28(Tue)20:13] [Report] []

just want to talk, meet some new friends etc
Im a guy, I live in Edmonton, Alberta

No.1181 : Anonymous [11/01/03(Mon)15:07] [Report] []

19 male, love traps and cd :D im in montreal, I love to chat and fool around on cam

No.1182 : Anonymous [11/01/03(Mon)15:08] [Report] []

my email
hit me up :)

No.1184 : Anonymous [11/01/03(Mon)21:39] [Report] []

19/M/Michigan femboy/CD in Flint
Would love to meet up and dress, really down for anything, hit me up!
yahoo: riskrot

No.1185 : Karma [11/01/05(Wed)20:30] [Report] []

Aim: Sadevonmasoch

Male, from Indianapolis, Indiana, does anyone live around me lol. will add everyone.

No.1203 : Velomanic [11/01/26(Wed)00:13] [Report] []


Just looking to chat, perhaps more if we get along.

No.1204 : Anonymous [11/02/09(Wed)14:22] [Report] []

Location: Florida Panhandle
White straight(ish) male. 6'2" and 180lbs. Into transv/cds

No.1205 : Marty [11/02/13(Sun)19:59] [Report] []

21/CA/Grass Valley-Sacramento Femboy/CD

Always down to meet new friends, usually go to the clubs every Sunday. Lookin' for love as well, not into fruity guys. Let's skate and play Initial D :3

No.1220 : Mitch [11/03/28(Mon)02:54] [Report] []

I'd love to meet up with a full time trap with the possibility of a relationship should things happen :P
Email is the same

No.1221 : Anonymous [11/04/01(Fri)14:13] [Report] []
Raliegh, NC Male
Prehaps chat and something more?

No.1239 : rich [11/11/02(Wed)16:11] [Report] []

tvloveryes1 @ yahoo com
male 43 suburbs of philly
love cute traps cd's tv's etc
friends with benefits
and friends

No.1255 : Anonymous [12/07/12(Thu)23:09] [Report] []

18, male, Bi

Anyone else live around salt lake, UT?

Skype name is Uran

No.1256 : krull [12/07/13(Fri)19:56] [Report] []

email:krull789-at- yahoo. com

discreet CD
Raliegh, NC
Travel alot - Looking for DOM to tell me what to do - and maybe if I travel to your area, you can force me in person

No.1261 : Mwa [12/08/08(Wed)22:34] [Report] []

Male/18/ Sydney Australia


Would love to get to know a trap :).

No.1262 : Anonymous [12/08/10(Fri)04:16] [Report] []

22/m/626 so cal. azn panty boy here into cding but love panties.

No.1263 : Anonymous [12/08/13(Mon)04:09] [Report] []

18 male in long island, NY, has an affinity for CD's and traps. Warning: I like to chat dirty:)
ask for my skype too

No.1264 : Anonymous [12/08/14(Tue)00:30] [Report] []

22 Bi Male - Southern Illinois (618/217 area code). 4 hours south of Chicago, 30 minutes East of ST. Louis.

Big guy, interested in Traps, CD's, pretty much anything. Really interested in dating.
Yahoo: therainbowbridge618

No.1265 : Todd [12/08/14(Tue)21:33] [Report] []

Fayetteville, NC

Hey we're a young couple and both attractive fit and fun. Been searching for a cute passable femboi to dom. never found anything so hope we can find something on here.

Email -

No.1270 : Anonymous [12/09/12(Wed)01:20] [Report] []


looking for traps or females in central northern lousiana
I myself am a nerd who likes to dress up as a catboy, though i doubt i could pull off fully trapping

No.1275 : Anonymous [12/09/23(Sun)11:03] [Report] []

Hey SL,UTer, your Skype name isn't working. Post an email?

No.1280 : zo [12/10/03(Wed)18:42] [Report] []

Hello. kinda new here...
19- pans - trans ftm - Texas
Would really love to have a trans/trap gf or maybe as a friend. :3

No.1282 : Anonymous [12/10/09(Tue)13:18] [Report] []

24/M/West Coast Canadian looking for traps to cuddle, snug, and maybe bury my cock in from time to time.

No.1283 : Anonymous [12/10/11(Thu)09:33] [Report] []


Interested in CDing, got some stuff, etc. Would love to get to know more of you

No.1284 : Anonymous [12/10/11(Thu)11:16] [Report] []


My skype is NicholasConners

No.1289 : Anonymous [12/11/02(Fri)01:54] [Report] []

It's a long shot but.....
22yo ex-trap looking for others to help guide and train. I'm 6'0, 145#, skinny, smooth.

I used to trap and could pass VERY well. Got into alot of "adventures" but then decided to be a boy again. Wanting to help any traps near San Diego or SoCal

No.1303 : Anonymous [13/04/01(Mon)17:40] [Report] []

male long island NY lusts for cds and traps JUSTJOE69 on yahoo. Skype available

No.1315 : Anonymous [2014-05-25 03:40] [Report] []

21\Male\Bi Colorado
I <3 Traps and love talking to them

No.1316 : Anonymous [2015-02-26 16:00] [Report] []

mr_pig on kik

No.1317 : Anonymous [2015-02-26 19:31] [Report] []

Just looking for some cute, sexy traps to chat with on kik. mr_pig if you'd like to chat

No.1322 : rocky [2015-07-19 19:19] [Report] []

Hot loop

No.1323 : Anonymous [2015-10-26 14:09] [Report] []

29 / Bi Male from Poland

Bored in a hotel room.

kik me at his_boy_

No.1326 : Nero [2016-04-03 00:44] [Report] []

22/m/eastern PA

Been interested in meeting a passable trap/cd for a long time, and was hoping give this a shot in hopes of talking with someone cool. I'm a big game fan, and CD myself when i get a chance. I've also got quite a kinky side haha
Throw me a email if your interested!

No.1327 : dave [2016-08-14 20:28] [Report] []

24 skinny would like to crossdress together with somebody, live in ontario close to toronto. any 1?

No.1329 : Anonymous [2020-05-05 10:17] [Report] []

Hey was up

No.1330 : Not OP [2020-07-02 17:19] [Report] []

Nothing much, browsing the interneto

No.1333 : Anonymous [2020-08-21 11:18] [Report] []

looking for mature traps

No.1334 : Anonymous [2020-08-21 11:30] [Report] []

Looking for cougar mature traps who are into beauty pagents or balls

No.1340 : Anonymous [2021-02-27 11:36] [Report] []

Is there any crossdresser in Eureka that want to play



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