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>girl says she's a nerd>ask what kind of computer she has>macbook air>turn 360 degrees>walk to the exit>open the door>there's a bear>become a dinosaur>engage in combat>bear punches me>makes me vomit spaghetti>roundhouse kick it>bear bursts into treats
fucking best buy
>grandpa calls up, computer is fucked>he drops it off >10,000 toolbars>reformat>install Arch Linux>compile everything from source>get superior rolling release minimal system>force all daemons and proessces, x windows, etc required to be manually started (like they SHOULD BE)>return laptop>he calls up>WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT WHAT DID U DO TO MY COMPUTER FUK U KID
Fucking old people, just die already.
lol linux sucks get a mac douche bag
>Minding my own business and installing OpenBSD on my router>Mama starts yelling from downstairs>"What is it mama?">"SERGIO! EL COMPUTER NO WORKO! NO GUSTA!">Go downstairs, find that there is taco sauce on the monitor, tostadas on the keyboard, tortillas in the optical drive, salsa in the heatsink, guacamole on the southbridge, burritos in the case fan, beans cooking on the fermi, and tacos in the PSU.>Fuck it, I'll buy her a Mac>Go to Apple store>Considering purchasing an iMac>Steve Jobs is there>Talks to me about the iMac>I get really hyped for the iMac>Decide to buy it on the spot>Reach for my wallet>Suddenly, spaghetti spills out of my pocket>There's spaghetti on the floor>Everybody walk the dinosaur>Try to clean it all up>I look down>There's fur in the spaghetti, leading to the realization that I am a bear
>brother calls up, macbook is fucked>he drops it off >the only mac os trojan in existence is installed>reformat>install Arch Linux>compile everything from source>get superior rolling release minimal system>force all daemons and proessces, x windows, etc required to be manually started (like they SHOULD BE)>return macbook>he calls up>WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT WHAT DID U DO TO MY MAKBOK FUK U
I told him that Arch is even more hipster than OSX, after that he shut up.