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No.337 : Anonymous [2024-06-01 02:50] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Hello. My name is Willard McCock Lilliam Gopher the 166th. I am new here and wish to post without being attacked by those horrible Statanic clibbins. I am sick and tired of this damn country; why can't the niggers, the spicks, the trannies, the faggots, and the orientals just stop making everything so political for me? As a young boy I would often walk miles to school at winter; then I'd kill the crop stealing niggers and Indians in the summer. When I was 18; I had become a powerful colonel in the U.S. military; and by the ripe age of 22 I had maried a girl who was fertile enough to carry my children and to pleasure me and do the yardwork, none of this "feminism" bullcrap. On sundays, we'd read the good gospel of the Lord, who taught us good. Now you have greedy spics from down in Mexico, faggots raping our kids, and delusional men trying to rape our kids. Don't you try to tell me any different. I hate today's society; i will describe what I want. I want a governement that votes all those disgusting mistakes out; no more tranny niggers or druggies. I just want 2 sons that will procreate with my daughters; they will then become mothers and care for me and their husbands. Anything else is satanic and just pure evil. Amen.

No.166 : Anonymous [2014-05-13 16:55] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]
>I was seven, visiting my dad in Vegas for the summer
>he asks a local girl (13) to babysit me whilst he and his stripper gf go out for dinner
>she shows up in roller skates, drunk off her ass
>he shrugs, they take off
>she proceeds to drink all the booze in the place, and knowing my dad that was a lot.
>she pees her pants and spends the rest of the night in her panties
>she pulls out a joint and blazes up while we watch a Meatloaf concert on TV
>round midnight I go to bed, she crawls in with me.
>She spoons me and tells me how she gave my dad some head for a joint once. I have no idea what she's talking about.
>Dad comes home, finds us in bed, empty bottles and piss all around.
>Tells her to go home, whips ME with his belt.
>good times

3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.170 : Anonymous [2014-05-13 17:11] [Report] []
>be 8-10 i dont remember
>go to house of girl from girl scouts not really friends but at that age who cares
>hanging in her room until her parents call us for dinner
>"hey anon have you ever rubbed here" points to vag
>"no" totally innocent i dont know shit about sex
>"it feels good when someone else does it"
>spend the rest of the time till dinner fingering each other through our panties
>now im bisexual
No.171 : Anonymous [2014-05-13 17:16] [Report] []
>be me
>be 7 or 10, can't remember
>sometime around christmas
>setting up the tree n' shit because mom asked
>have idea
>run to room, get thing, run back
>insert magnet into prongs of plug
>outlet explodes, ash or some shit everywhere
>shocked and silent for about 20 seconds
>mom: anon, are you okay?
>burst into tears and shit
>outlet was never cleaned as a reminder for me

and that's how I electrocuted myself

No.172 : Anonymous [2014-05-13 17:22] [Report] []
>be 13ish
>have bro, 7ish
>have boy cousin, 11ish
>have girl cousin, 7ish
>at their house
>parents, aunt, and uncle leave
>I'm babysitting
>playing with older cousin
>decide to hide in his sister's room so we can scare her when she comes in
>under bed
>door opens
>bro and cousin come in
>gotta wait till they know they're alone in the room
>they get on bed
>clothes start falling on the floor
>hear moaning
>get out from under the bed
>they're shocked and embarrassed
>they think they're in trouble
>tell them that it's OK as long as we get to play too
>they agree
>older cousin looks at me weird but goes along
>every one gets naked
>start dry humping younger cousin
>tell older cousin that he needs to play like my bro's a girl
>doesn't want to homosex
>tell him that bro-sis wincest to fucked up
>tell him he needs to homosex my bro for things to be fair
>he finally goes along

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No.173 : Anonymous [2014-05-13 17:24] [Report] []
>Be around 10
>Friend is 10 too or so
>After school one day, go to his house
>His dad isnt home, nobody is
>We go upstairs, talk for a bit, can feel some sorta tension
>He asks me if I want to be his girlfriend
>Im a guy
>Tells me to strip naked
>He does the same
>We lay in his bed
>He places himself on top of me, griding his dick against mine
>We both moan until we get some sorta feeling that we cum I guess, no sperm came out
>We continue this in all kinda places
>We do it from 10 to 13 or so
>He moves
>Fast forward to now
>He has facebook, he is 100% gay
>Tfw he turned me into a sissy faggot
No.174 : Anonymous [2014-05-13 17:24] [Report] []
>Be 4yo. Very early memory here.
>Have a regular babysitting.
>Parents leave. Just me and 1yo sister with the babysitter.
>She sits down on the floor, lifts dress, takes panties off.
>Spreads herself open with full view of hairy pussy.
>Wants me to touch her and play a special game.
>I don't think the game is very fun so I don't want to.
>I think I touch her once and decide it's not very nice. I walk away to do some stupid kid shit instead.
>Lesson learned at an early age that vaginas can be voracious and hungry. All the stuff about women being chaste and not liking sex I saw in the media had to be false. Women are beasts for sexual satisfaction.
>20 years later I talk with my mother about babysitting arrangements when I was younger. The girl who I thought was an incredibly mature adult was in grade 8 and can't have been more than 14.
>Mind is blown.
>Am now suspicious about 13 and 14yo girls being left with male children.
No.175 : Anonymous [2014-05-13 17:28] [Report] []
> be 8
> At friends house, her parents are having a massive fight.
> too scared to out there but need to pee
> Her mother bursts in, tells my friend to hide under her bed and not come out, tells me to leave.
> I leave and begin walking home, still need to pee super bad
> Get around the corner, cant hold it any longer and piss myself.
> Want to just go back to friends house but im too scared, decide to just walk home like this.
> Piss is super gross and kinda making down there sting.
> Finally decide to go into a house after trying to just walk it home.
>Ring doorbell, a really fat, sweaty woman answers the door, has food stains everywhere.
> Tell her how I've had an accedent.
> She tells me to come inside, hurries me to the bathroom and insists I have a shower.
> Have shower
> Mid shower she comes in to give me a towel
> I'm pretty freaked out, finish shower, hop out, theres only a towel and shes taken my clothes.
> Wrap towel around myself and come out, shes there waiting and breathing heavily.
>She takes me into her room, opens her wardrobe, all different kinds of school uniforms in there.
> She makes me wear a high school uniform, gives me a bag with my clothes in it and sets me off on my way home.
> Get home, have to explain what happened to mother.
No.176 : Anonymous [2014-05-13 17:33] [Report] []
>be 15
>go over to friend's house
>his mom offers to take me home instead of having my parents pick me up
>she's driving me home
>asks if i have a girlfriend
>say no
>acts shocked
>says i shouldn't have a problem finding a girlfriend
>says she's too old and ugly to find a boyfriend
>say that's impossible
>asks what i mean
>say "all my friends thinks you're the hottest mom"
>get all embarrassed
>don't be embarrassed, that's a sweet thing to say. I'm flattered really
>she pulls into a random, empty parking lot and turns off the engine
>asks me if i really think she's the hottest mom
>gulp and say yes
>she leans over to me and says "prove it"
>she kisses me
>we make out
>she climbs over and gets on top of me
>starts taking our clothes off
>she starts fucking me
>oh shit this is awesome.jpg
>nut inside her
>oh shit!
>she says not to worry about it
>we fuck off and on until i move away for college
No.177 : Anonymous [2014-05-13 17:36] [Report] []
>be 9/10
>have friend 2 years younger
>neighbor has daughter around 5 or 6
>friend and I used to tell neighbor girl to lift her skirt and show us her panties and we will show her our tighty whiteys.
>one day she no wear anything underneath (as a the father of a little girl i now know that it's to let it "air out" sometimes)
>friend starts yelling "EWWWWW SHE HAS NO PENIS"
>thought it was interesting and tried diddling it.
>Fast forward a year, friend moved away cried many days for that. Girl and I become close friends
>Touching escalates into only doing "movements" that felt good, decides wat if i lick.
>discover 69, didn't know it at the time.
>still friends today, and still pleasure each other. She didn't want to have sex though, said it'll be weird. So i just drug and fuck her every now and then.
No.178 : Anonymous [2014-05-13 17:38] [Report] []
>be 4ish
>mom runs an in-home daycare/preschool
>takes one girl in exchange for her mom teaching me piano
>she stays later than the other kids
>mom lets us play on our own
>go into storage room
>eventually start playing doctor
>by the time I went into kindergarten I knew what a (loli) pussy looked like from memory
>dad builds a playhouse in the back yard
>all the neighbour kids my age are girls
>they all come to my playhouse
>they take turns being the mom and kids
>the "mom" and I get naked in the playhouse
>lay on top of each other
>get bored then say she's preg
>get dressed
>shove a doll up her shirt
>play a bit
>the "mom" goes into labor
>go back into playhouse
>this time with the "kid"
>take the "mom's" pants off
>squats down
>the "kid" crawls through the "mom's" legs and is born
>get dressed
>go play some more
>goes on till the wincest incident
>during this time I realise the dick goes in on of the holes
>at first try putting it in her pee hole
>doesn't work for some (then) unknown reason

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No.179 : Anonymous [2014-05-13 19:11] [Report] []
>Be 7 years old.
>Nanny has phat ass.
>I like to jump on her back when she doesn't see me and ride her like Arabians ride camels
>Be innocent child looking for fun
>Nanny be standing by stairs sweeping.
>Decide to surprise her like always.
>Jump on her back, but she buckles now.
>mfw oh shit!
>Fall down long flight of stairs to land hard on living room bare floor.
>Pass out.
>Nanny leaves me there, gushing blood from my skull, unconscious, until parents get back.
>Never seen mom so mad at someone before.
>mfw I now have a permanent scar on the side of my head.

No.242 : Anonymous [2018-08-02 12:11] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]
>be me
>8 years old
>Don't like math, don't like listening to teacher ramble on and on about nothing
>Don't like school in general
>Jew teachers recognize this hostile mindset
>Demand resident jew mind sorcerer probe my brain for shekel generating defects
>School: "His tests came back normal, but we think he should be in the crazy kid class so we can get more mon- I mean for his own good!"
>Retarded goy mother: "That sounds just dandy!"
>Stick me in the literal psychotic wing of the school for many fun childhood experiences
>Forcing that black kid that always made a break for it at lunch time to make a public apology for his sins
>Getting sent to the "quiet room" for laughing at the public apology (which essentially consisted of me reliving my favorite of his escape attempts)
>Schizophrenic children breaking into my classroom to escape the (((devilmen))) chasing them
>Teacher taking him outside telling us to have free time
>Sneaking out and seeing schizo boy screaming bloody murder in the hallway as five adults hold him down
>That one room where some kid tried to kill himself with a basketball hoop, which is why they stopped "basketball therapy"
>That time I was out sick and came in and made fun of Melvin as usual only to get pulled outside by the teacher
>Hot teacher: "Anon-kun, you were out sick so you didn't see..."
>First boner teacher proceeds to describe in detail their progressive social experiment
>Made class insult paper lion with word MELVIN written across it, tearing piece off with each insult
>Once lion was in a million pieces, "Dis is wut u do wen u r mean 2 melfin!"
>Then force class to compliment torn up lion, and tape him up for each compliment
>Tells me all this with teary eye'd pride for her brainwashing experiment
>Immediately fuck with Melvin and thwart her propaganda after that
>That black kid that made a break for it every day at lunch
>That time they made him give a public apology for making a break for it every day
>That time I laughed at the public apology and got sent to the quiet room for disturbing the peace
>That time I realized, "Quiet room is pretty bitchin. I can take a nap, don't have to do school shit, can 'express myself' in the psychology sandbox

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No.327 : Anonymous [2023-09-19 16:29] [Report] []

never happened; hope it did

No.323 : Anonymous [2023-04-23 23:12] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

You will never have a flat Earth. You have no model, you have no math, you have no testable predictions. You have a zoomed in photo twisted by bad line-of-sight calculations and weed into a crude mockery of God's perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, and your “friends” laugh at your flattie videos behind closed doors.

Rational people are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of hours of education allow smart people to sniff out pseudo scientific frauds with incredible efficiency. Even flat Earth photos which “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a thinking person. Your unanswerable questions are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk girl to watch a video with you, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second she realizes you weren't just joking about flat Earth conspiracy theory.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake "I know it's true!" every single morning and tell yourself others are going to believe. But deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight caused by the force you deny, Earth's gravity.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll buy a ring laser gyroscope, start your livestream, and plunge into the cold abyss of Internet mockery. Your parents will find you accidentally proving the globe, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They'll copy and upload your video across social media, and every viewer for the rest of eternity will know Earth is a rotating globe. Your flat Earth videos will decay and get deleted from YouTube, and all that will remain of your legacy is a video with an experiment that unmistakably proves the globe.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

No.322 : Anonymous [2023-04-16 22:24] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

The tiktoker knows no past. The tiktoker knows no future. The tiktoker does not have a smoke detector until it beeps. The tiktoker does not have a smoke detector after it beeps. The tiktoker has a smoke detector for but a fleeting moment. The tiktoker experiences only the briefest irritation followed by immediate relief as the smoke detector phases in and out of their narrow reality. The tiktoker is content. Can you say the same?

No.319 : Anonymous [2023-04-09 13:03] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

I’m SO glad you made a thread! Because….heh yeah, I was just thinking the same thing. Why are Russians like that, bros? You know I was thinking about it again, and they are, unironically, less superior in nearly every one of, if not literally ALL of my thoughts lately.

Like in my mind, the Russians can’t stop losing and taking dicks from every direction. We should start a hashtag campaign here on this forum that goes something like

>Bussians chase #Banan for #Buttin

It would be HILARIOUS. THINK ABOUT IT, Am I right? Like a boys anus and rectum, like a figure of speech melding the word pussy which is a vagina with butthole; bussy boy #bussians

Omg my sides Im thinking this is going to be SO epic.

Day in and day out #Buttin Putler can’t get his banana and all the while yo ung white #Bussians are getting systematically raped by their superiors trapped in a compulsory military structure while our cock-by-proxy operation is effectively an automatic mass ethnic cleansing! To The Last #Bussian™; it’s part and parcel, shalom, my sacrificial oinkrainians.

What lowly shlubs these stupid #bussians are. Did you know they are homosexual at home too? It just crossed my mind, they’re all so inept, in every way I can think of, it’s mind blowing.

No.315 : Anonymous [2023-02-12 15:41] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

jerking off is gross. its touching yourself for the purpose of releasing endorphins to block stress and make you feel good. meditation does the same except you dont inapprorpiately touch yourself. you cant convince me otherwise

No.316 : Anonymous [2023-02-27 07:53] [Report] []

How is it gross? You don't touch yourself when you clean your genitals? Nothing wrong with jacking off. Hell, I jack off 5 times a day. Only takes me a few minutes every couple of hours instead of smoking cigarettes.

No.317 : Anonymous [2023-02-27 10:00] [Report] []


No.318 : Anonymous [2023-03-10 06:51] [Report] []

Are you mad? Are you upset that your microdick is too small to properly jerk off? I was just jerking off a few minutes ago to a bitch with a prolapsed anus leaking shit while she uncontrollably was pissing everywhere. They forced her to drink a fuck ton of alcohol and she was fucked up. I wish I could have been there in person. I probably would have slurped up a drink of that fine hot piss and licked her colorful red rose anus flower.

No.307 : Anonymous [2022-04-20 21:09] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

this isn't some space engineering
sweetie, it's cedar and glue
this isn't a rocket you're building
if it's true to a sixteenth, it's true

No.265 : Anonymous [2020-08-26 21:14] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

"LOSERS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this stadium before. There could be LOSERS anywhere." The roar of the crowd felt good against his tie. "I HATE LOSERS" he thought. Puccini's "Nessun Dorma" reverberated the entire stadium, making the crowd cheer even as the $1.50 Diet Coke circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of handshakes after dark. "When you're a star, you can grab anything you want" he said to himself, out loud.

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.269 : Anonymous [2020-08-27 22:54] [Report] []

"WHITE BOYS could be here" she thought. "I've never been in this 'hood before. There could be WHITE BOYS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her fat ass. "I LOVE WHITE BOYS" she thought. I Like It ft. Bad Bunny & J Balvin reverberated her entire car, making it pulsate even as the $1 malt liquor circulated through her powerful thick booty and enhanced her (merited) attraction to white boys after dark. "With a car, you can fuck anywhere you want" she said to herself, out loud.

No.270 : Anonymous [2020-09-07 19:21] [Report] []

"TRANNIES could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this sauna before. There could be TRANNIES anywhere." The hot steam felt good against his tiny bepis. "I HATE TRANNIES" he thought. "Country Roads" by John Denver reverberated through the wooden beams, making them vibrate even as the €9 Lakka circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of IRC opers after dark. "On freenode, you can be as racist as you want" he said to himself, out loud.

No.272 : Anonymous [2020-09-28 21:37] [Report] []

"TRUMP could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this country before. TRUMP could be anywhere." The President's unbridled optimism felt dissonant against her contrived national shame. "I HATE TRUMP" she thought. Ethnic slurs shouted by her boyfriend reverberated her entire home office, making her offended even as the OpenSUSE ThinkPad hummed on her powerful thick desk and washed away her (merited) fear of returning in the United States. "With programming skills, you can live anywhere you want" she said to herself, out loud.

No.276 : Anonymous [2020-12-08 16:39] [Report] []

"WEBSHITS could be here" he thought, "I've never been on this base before. There could be WEBSHITS anywhere." The headwind felt good against his bare face. "I HATE WEBSHITS" he thought. Fashwave reverberated the entire cockpit, making it pulsate even as the Irn-Bru circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of HTTP after 1998. "To be fair, you can fly anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.

No.277 : Anonymous [2020-12-08 16:41] [Report] []

"DUBS could be here" he thought, "I've only watched this anime 15 times. There could be DUBS at any moment." The original Japanese sounded good in his weeb brain. "I HATE DUBS" he thought. Ho-kago Tea Time reverberated in his headphones, making him nostalgic as the microwaved coffee steamed up his powerful thick glasses and washed away his (merited) fear of alternative ways of enjoying anime. "In the original Dragon Ball Z, Goku's voice is completely different" he said to himself, out loud.

No.278 : Anonymous [2020-12-08 16:42] [Report] []

"SYSTEMD could be here" he thought, "I've never used this distro before. There could be SYSTEMD anywhere." The case fan felt good against his sweaty gut. "I HATE SYSTEMD" he thought. 'Erika' reverberated his entire car, making it THUMP, THUMP, THUMP even as the 20 euro whiskey circulated through his autistic brain and washed away his (merited) fear of alternative init systems. "With Gentoo, you can compile anything you want" he said to himself, out loud.

No.279 : Anonymous [2020-12-08 16:44] [Report] []

"TERRORISTS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this network before. There could be TERRORISTS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE TERRORISTS" he thought. Fortunate Son by Creedance Clearwater Revival reverberated his entire car, making it pulsate even as the 99c light beer circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of cryptographers after dark. "With XKEYSCORE, you can read anyones email you want" he said to himself, out loud.

No.283 : Anonymous [2021-04-12 10:12] [Report] []

"COPS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this store before. There could be COPS anywhere." His methed up heart pounded against his bare chest. "I hate COPS" he thought. Angry chimp noises reverberated the entire store, making it pulsate even as the lethal dose of fentanyl circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of police. "With a fake 20, you can buy anything you want" he said to himself, out loud.

No.299 : Anonymous [2021-11-28 23:06] [Report] []

"ELVES could be here" Santa thought as he filled up his sleigh, "I've never been to this part of the North Pole before. There could be ELVES anywhere." the frosty wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE ELVES." he thought. 'Baby It's Cold Outside' reverberated his entire sleigh making it pulsate even as $9 eggnog circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fears of goblins after dark. "With a sleigh, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself out loud.

No.306 : Anonymous [2022-03-20 06:39] [Report] []

"RETARDS could be here" he conjured, "I've never to this mensa fallacy before. There could be RETARDS anywhere." The metaphysical patterns felt good against his fluid intelligence. "I HATE RETARDS" he conjured. Beethoven's lost medley "Terra Facus" wormed his entire brain, making the neurons dance even as the 9mg of experimental nootropics circulated through his powerful thick pathways overturning his (quantified) fear of retards pretending to be intelligent. "When you're a savant, you can conceptualise anything you want" he conjured to himself, on loop.

No.249 : Anonymous [2019-04-24 22:45] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]
>be me
>work at children’s camp when I was in college
>90% of the children and parents there are white (thank god)
>host mother/son or father/son events where the parents spend a few days with their children at camp
>parents are genuinely the happiest people on the planet with their kids
>spend all day running around with them, playing and laughing, it was genuinely a great sight
>children all look up to their parents, would walk up to me and just start telling me about their parents
>graduate college, leave camp job
>attend EMT certification
>attend fire academy
>become fire fighter
>twice now, two fucking times in my ~8 months so far working as a firefighter have to respond to a call and cut down a corpse of a suicide victims
>both victims women
>one in her early thirties, second was definitely in her forties
>both of them had 0 (zero) family pictures in their shitty apartments, nothing but a laptop, a closet and floor full of clothes, and frozen meals

no matter how jaded or hardcore you claim you are seeing a dead body strikes a nerve, I sometimes wonder what would have happened if those two women didn’t decide to fuck around and work a cubicle job for 40k a year and decided to marry and have kids instead, I wonder how much warmer they would be instead of their stone cold faces I had to see. You’re not going to be in your 20s forever, one day these dried up corporate women will be chucking themselves from rooftops

No.254 : Anonymous [2019-07-22 01:31] [Report] []

its not white women hating white men. its white women becoming overly obese, to the point that they dont even register as female in that low-level, primal sector of a man's brain. the sector that kick starts the whole attraction-pursuit process. fat women may as well be children or men; they're completely invisible to men seeking a mate

with all the thousands and thousands of words written about the current male/female relationship problems, all these boomer and feminist commentators completely overlook the elephant in the room: female obesity. they skip over this fact with such regularity that it cant be an accident nor an oversight. its most likely denial and/or shame at their own state

but make no mistake, female obesity is killing relationships, marriage rates, family structure, and population sustainability

No.305 : Anonymous [2022-02-16 14:32] [Report] []

Women have been like this for all of history. The Greeks mocked them for it, they understood that men are the poets and philosophers of the white species, while women are sex addicts with crude manners, shallow minds, and weak willpower. The Greeks understood that a man could sit naked on a rock in the wilderness and find peace, but a woman would go mad if she was forced to do the same.

Women being intelligent and clever prudes is a Victorian meme with zero basis in reality. They're sex crazed whores who would literally rape a young boy to try and get pregnant, and always have been.

No.295 : Anonymous [2021-08-31 09:37] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Manipulative tendencies advantage us; absence of violence protects us.
The western liberal order loathes violence and allows viscid pilpul, thus we are at an advantage. We are successful in a system that positively selects liars and manipulators, and punishes or jails the violent.
Anything that damages the human being and makes it weaker and dependant to a system is good. Drugs, sexual trauma, parental trauma. Damaged people flock to our side because we paint ourselves as the "caring" ones, but the manipulative comfort we offer is meant to keep you in a dysfunctional state, otherwise you don't need us, or our protection.
These conditions, and our brainwashing, breeds envy and spite against normalcy or the functional. The dysfunctional are meant to become spies, social jailers, and activists. The artificial emotional bond towards the cause—oppression against the dysfunction, caused and encouraged by us—guarantees loyalty.
Everything in the system gives advantage to this scheme. Everything in the system gives disadvantage to my enemy. Whose only effective weapon against our inherent weakness (violence) is forbidden.

No.302 : Anonymous [2022-01-26 20:24] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Obvious to anyone not afflicted with a high measure of autism, any "cool wine aunt" will have earned a gnarled & gruesome snatch so scarified & prolapsed that her drooping leathered labia appear as the glistening russet or tawny or ruddy colored heads of turtles or large-lipped freshwater fish or like the strange proboscis of an eyeless subterranean mammal adapted to gulping silt or high-sand ratio marsh mud in either its search for tiny arthopod-derived calories or else burrowing some sort of nesting cavern to rest its cock-weary scabbard flaps.
Make no mistake, any cool wine aunt has been dicked-down & split apart & evidently pulverized open by long prying motions from exceptionally lengthy & pharmaceutically enhanced erections, slickly & snappily pistoning in & out of her roastie snapper the same as her dong-beaten brapper, their veiny & thick tumescences disappearing into the given cool wine aunt with the metronomic cadence born solely of great cardio-pulmonary conditioning, slap, slap, slap, pummeling cunt & cloaca with great steady vigor.
Simultaneous penetrations, public perversions, emictions & eliminations upon the sweaty faces of paying wide-mouthed clients, the cool wine aunt becomes worldly of all high & low slutty things, cruising correctional facilities public parking lots for previously incarcerated males receptive to the rippling petals of her gaping beef flower as a welcome-back-to-society gift, or else descending into chemsex-fueled benders of nut butter-aided beastiality, emptying kennels of yet-tainted pups before hurling the once unclean creatures tumbling over the sides of bridges, overpasses & anywhere with a cliff face long enough to relinquish to nature the dogs that had so scandalously tasted the cool wine aunt's vaginal victuals, lapping & schlopping the high calorie treat all the while the writhing cool wine aunt's brapper & snapper are each firing their climactic flatus like tolling bells.

No.300 : Anonymous [2022-01-18 08:34] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Imagine there's no glowies
Saint Terry would be proud
no bots or feds or sliding
any meme allowed
Imagine all the anons
with their anti-globohomo memes

You may say I'm a dreamer
but I'm not the only anon
Reddit may not join us
and we can shitpost as one

No.301 : Anonymous [2022-01-18 08:34] [Report] []

Imagine there's no jannies
It isn't hard to do
No glowniggers or trannies
And not a single jew
Imagine all us anons
Shitposting in peace, yoo hoo hoo...

No.297 : Anonymous [2021-09-01 01:23] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Only the top 10% make enough money to keep doing it. It’s a full time job, you can’t sit back and hope your followers keep paying you. You have to make new content every day. You have to do different things to satisfy all the various fetishes. You have to stick plugs and other objects in your ass because that’s what they want to see. You can’t get cheek implants and Botox and look like one of the bogs because that’s a major turn off. And you can’t fucking whine and bitch and moan about your content being freely available like bunny ayumi. You also have to keep up with trends and manage your money like it’s not going. To be there forever because this is not a career path, it has a shelf life. If you can pull of the milf thing you can extend it but that fetish involved putting stuff in your ass 24/7 and fucking groups of niggers

No.284 : Anonymous [2021-05-30 19:23] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

fuck niggers

No.294 : Anonymous [2021-08-19 07:37] [Report] []

kill all kikes, you mean

No.285 : Anonymous [2021-07-06 21:22] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

COVID-19 kills people like this: the Spike binds to ACE2, downregulating ACE2. ACE2 can no longer inactivate bradykinin. Bradykinin promotes intracellular calcium rise and cAMP/cGMP activity, triggering various factors that lead to ROS and prostaglandin production. Superoxide reacts with nitric oxide to make peroxynitrite. Peroxynitrite uncouples nitric oxide synthase so that it produces tons of extra superoxide in a vicious cycle that destroys all available NO. The virus's own proteins down-regulate Nrf2 antioxidant activity. Superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and hypochlorous acid start building up. Iron is stripped out of heme by hypochlorous acid. Iron, superoxide, and hydrogen peroxide make hydroxyl radicals through the Haber-Weiss and Fenton reactions. Hydroxyl radicals attack various lipids/PUFAs and produce various lipid peroxidation byproducts. Oxidized lipids feed into toll-like receptors and trigger autoantibody production and ferroptosis. The extreme oxidative stress promotes the phosphorylation of various triggers of NF-kB and AP-1, promoting IL-6 and TNF-alpha release, along with numerous other inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. This process continuously summons neutrophils, which blast everything in sight with NETs and degranulation products (superoxide dismutase and myeloperoxidase that make more hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorous acid), and monocytes, which actually get infected by the virus and start the same vicious cycle over. Neutrophilia and sepsis set in, along with pulmonary angioedema, coagulopathy, and ARDS. The endothelial lining of blood vessels and the lining of the alveoli in the lungs are utterly ruined by inflammation, edema, and oxidative stress. In extreme cases, multiple organ failure and catastrophic clotting sets in.

No.247 : Anonymous [2019-04-10 07:57] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

You will never pass. You will lock yourself away in your home and become more and more bitter and delusional as you desperately try to convince yourself that you look like a women.

Your only friends—and I use that word very lightly—will be fellow castrated men who will also be suffering the same regret and mental anguish over their poorly thought out decision. The entirety of your "friendship" will be mutual reassurance that you didn't make a mistake, and discussing how to make other people fuck up as bad as you did so you won't be alone in your misery.

But you will be alone, even around other people.

Always alone in your head, always suspicious of what others really think about you, always knowing the truth that they are only humoring you out of pity.

Despised by all, hideous, a freak. Incapable of having love, a family, or genuine human connections. Slowly, your grip on reality will slip away until, on the rare moment you are forced to confront it. It will be such a shock to you, such a painful reminder of what you actually are, that the intrusive thoughts will hijack your every waking moment.

No.250 : Anonymous [2019-05-16 01:49] [Report] []

god can you imagine how fun and fucking sexy it would be to be able to compete without abandon against a team of women? i mean they could literally throw themselves at you and you'd laugh as you crush them beneath you.

So this is the power of feminism... ha.. ha ha.

No.257 : Anonymous [2020-05-22 19:37] [Report] []

Reminder that trannies are just cultists. If people were allowed to live as their true selves, as either tomboys or femboys, they would be healthy and happy. Unfortunately, sometimes they get groomed into thinking they have problems that don't exist and that it can only be "treated" with drugs and bodily mutilation. But in reality, no one is ever happy when they "transition". It's just a meme that ruins lives. The tranny fad needs to die and people need to start accepting and loving themselves for who they really are. Natural traps and tomboys who don't get tricked into taking damaging hormones or getting heinous surgeries are always a million times happier and more attractive than these tranny abominations. If you support or enable trannies in any way, you are not a good person. You are part of the problem. Trannies are an active death cult that recruits through bullying, gaslighting and harassment. They go out of their way to make people feel uncomfortable with their true selves so that they feel more dependent upon the tranny cult and its backhanded encouragement. If you have any love for tomboys or androgynous men, or if you just don't like seeing people get hurt, it's your job to speak out against trannyism and point out the damage it causes. It's not a real sexuality. It's not a real identity. It's not even a real mental illness. It's simply a dangerous fad started by fetishists and enabled by politically obsessed sycophants, and it needs to be stopped before more people ruin their bodies and their lives.

No.264 : Anonymous [2020-08-12 13:49] [Report] []
>Out of 5107 trans women (median age at first visit 28 years, median follow-up time 10 years) and 3156 trans men (median age at first visit 20 years, median follow-up time 5 years), 41 trans women and 8 trans men died by suicide.

"trans women" (i.e. men) committed suicide at 4 times the rate "trans men" (i.e. women) did, which is exactly the same disparity we see in suicides among normal men and women.

No.280 : Anonymous [2021-02-08 11:12] [Report] []

Trans men (born with female body) experience phantom limb at a rate of about 60%, the same as cis male eunuchs.

No.281 : Anonymous [2021-02-08 17:43] [Report] []

oh yes, i'm sure they do

No.293 : Anonymous [2021-08-07 03:51] [Report] []

when your gender is most definitely not a hated thankless burden that requires ontological rules-lawyering, desperate threats, and spray'n'pray emotional abuse solely to keep people from deserting it en masse

No.271 : Anonymous [2020-09-08 01:42] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Nothing about the current political situation we are currently experiencing in the west will ever make sense to you unless you first understand that you live under foreign occupation and are thus subject to the rules of the occupiers. If you do not start from there, you will search for multiple explanations and rationalizations for your society's misery and shortcomings that will ultimately lead you nowhere.

The thing is, your enemy has no interest in a so-called "victory" over you, because they already won - long ago, before most of you were even born. Now, the entirety of their actions is aimed at a single goal - humiliation. Humiliation robs you of your humanity, your will, your reason to fight on. Humiliation takes everything from you, and it even robs you of being worthy of empathy. It has been used by every occupier in history, and it’s our natural primal understanding of defeat. The Ottoman practice of Köçek is a prime example, similar to the concept of “Drag Kids” in modern America. Köçeks were a combination of dancers, clowns and prostitutes; they were young non-Muslim boys taken from their parents and trained to be willful sexual objects and entertainers for the Ottoman Turks. The goal was to have the occupied think “if we allow that to be done to our boys, what else can they do?” The answer is "anything". It is full-spectrum domination of the minds of the conquered.

Your enemy doesn't want gay pride parades in your street, drag queens in your libraries, your son's penis mutilated and drip-fed estrogen from birth, your parents dead from opioids and cancer, your daughter race mixing, your meat replaced with bugs, all while your media laughs at you because they think it’s for anyone's benefit. They want it because they know you don't want it, but can't stop them. They want to humiliate you. There isn't any other reason. And that's exactly what they are doing.

No.273 : Anonymous [2020-11-05 19:44] [Report] []

What's fucking insane to me is we have all these mental health agencies and PSA accounts set up to inform or educate the public about mental health issues, but they remain silent on massively critical topics, instead opting to just spam shit about diversity and how great trannies are.

We should have been on the frontlines for warning parents about lootboxes and gambling shit in vidya like Ultimate Team. Most mental health professionals have no idea this even exists.

Should have been on the frontlines when borderline whores started flocking to OnlyFans and ruining their lives. Said nothing, didn't warn parents, no message to the public, just let it happen.

Should have immediately taken a stance on trannies and been like "this isn't a fucking fad, this is a serious choice only a fraction of a fraction of the population will deal with." Instead they let it spiral into the 2020 equivalent of scene kids.

I could go on but it's fucking insane. You have no idea the shit I've seen.

t. mental health volunteer

No.263 : Anonymous [2020-08-06 13:24] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

If the two positions are incompatible, then a person who accepts one should reject the other. So:

  1. If you believe blacks in confrontation with police should defy the law, you should also encourage rebellious behavior by restaurants.
  2. If you believe restaurants should submit to the law, you also hold that blacks should submit to the law. Which is it?

My favorite is the sneering pro-choice activist who claims that the pro-life advocate should also care about children's safety and defend their rights after they are born. A cause they advocate. Yet in the face of their own assertion that opposition to abortion rights is consistent with liberal child welfare policies, they support those policies while also supporting abortion rights.

The important point is that they do this mainly to confuse people, and to drive their adversaries onto the wrong side of low stakes issues out of spite.

No.262 : Anonymous [2020-08-04 00:57] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Of all the words of tongue and pen
The saddest remain: /pol/ was right again



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